Department of Foundations, Distance & Lifelong Learning (Vocational Education) Collections

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    The Relationship Between ICT Use and Teaching of Mathematics in Secondary Schools of Kalungu District, Central Uganda
    (International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development, 2023) Mawanda, Lawrence; Barugahare Tumwine, Jotham; Twebaze, Richard
    Teaching of mathematics in schools is very important and results into improved academic performance and increased involvement of learners in lessons. The educational sector in Uganda has made series of changes and reforms to improve teaching of Mathematics. This study explored the influence of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in the teaching of mathematics in Secondary Schools of Kalungu District. The study objectives were to; (i) examine the extent to which ICT is used by teachers of Mathematics, (ii) establish the effectiveness of teaching Mathematics, and (iii) examine the relationship between ICT use and the effectiveness of teaching of Mathematics in Secondary Schools of Kalungu District. Correlational type of design was used for the study whereby questionnaires from mathematics teachers and interview guide head. A sample size of 132 respondents participated in the study. Quantitative data was analysed using the SPSS version 20 where both univariate (frequencies, percentages and mean scores) and bivariate level (Pearson coefficient correlation) were used while qualitative data was analysed by quoting subthemes. The study discovered that the level of ICT use among teachers of mathematics in Kalungu District has an overall mean of 2.25 (on a scale of 1-5 point Likert scale) implying a moderate usage of information communication technology; the effectiveness of teaching mathematics in secondary school in Kalungu District was high with an overall mean of 4.05 (on a scale of 1-5 point Likert scale). Pearson correlation coefficient r = 0.086 showed that there was a weak positive correlation between ICT use and the effectiveness of teaching of Mathematics. The p-value of 0.373 which is above the threshold value of 0.05 shows that there is no statistically significant relationship between ICT use and the effectiveness of teaching of Mathematics. In conclusion, the findings suggest that the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Mathematics teaching within Kalungu District's Secondary Schools remains limited, with few educators embracing these tools. However, there is a prevalent perception of effectiveness in Mathematics instruction, as evidenced by relatively higher mean scores and frequencies, indicating a positive consensus among educators regarding their teaching practices. It was recommended that schools and educational institutions should explore strategies to bridge the gap between ICT integration and teaching effectiveness by providing ongoing professional development opportunities that focus on effective integration techniques. Formal policy guidelines for ICT use should be put in place, so that all teachers can attend in-service training programmes, at least once every academic year, to update themselves with relevant skills for ICT use in teaching mathematics.
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    Enhancing Stakeholder Collaboration for Educational Inclusion of Children in Street Situations in Kampala District, Uganda
    (The Educator, 2023) Annah, Atuhaire; Ronald, Bahati; Atukunda, Gershom; Jonah, Nyaga Kindiki; Namubiru, Proscovia; Kyohairwe, Stella; sekamatte, David
    The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number four target five seeks to eliminate all forms of discrimination in education for marginalized groups and vulnerable groups like street children. However, their inclusion in mainstream education has not been explored. Literature acknowledges collaboration among stakeholders as vital for reflection of practices and knowledge exchange and also used as a strategy to foster creativity and innovation necessary for effective implementation of inclusive education. This study explored perceptions of selected stakeholders towards collaboration as a strategy for enabling inclusion of children in street situations in mainstream education and how such collaboration can be enhanced. A qualitative approach was adopted selecting Kampala as a case. Five officials from government and Non- governmental organizations were selected purposively to participate in this study. The data was generated using semi-structured interviews and analyzed thematically. Respondents perceived collaboration as key to effectively include children in street situations in education. However, there were less meaningful relationships amongst stakeholders and majority of them were not performing their roles regarding the education of a child. The participants’ experiences of collaborative practices revealed barriers that hindered their partnership regarding the educational inclusion of children in street situations. The study thus concluded that collaboration can be enhanced through a multi-sectorial approach that brings all actors on board in planning and implementation of education inclusion of children in street situations. The study, therefore, recommended that the government should strengthen collaborative practices amongst stakeholders through policy formulation, sensitization and allocation of funds to implement a well-designed educational program based on the learning needs of children in street situations. These findings are of great importance to the Ministry of Education, Head teachers, teachers, Non-Governmental Organizations and other government bodies responsible for the welfare of children in street situations in planning and policy formulation, guidance for including children in street situations in mainstream education so that they gain from the efforts of inclusive and equitable quality education for all.
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    Trends in Admittance and Equity in Higher Education: Are Male Students in Uganda Disadvantaged?
    (JRIIE, 2024) Arinaitwe, Judith
    The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of trends in admittance and equity in higher education. Using Qualitative approach in data collection, this study answered the following questions: Are Male students currently disadvantaged in admittance to higher education in favour of female students? What is the impact this imbalance in relation to job market demands for skilled labour from both sexes? What long-term initiatives might significantly increase the number of male students admitted to higher education institutions for gender equity? The findings were that the available data on trends in admitting students in higher institutions show an almost equal number of the ratio of females to male with some exceptional institutions where female ratios have exceeded male ratios. It is recommended that the government should review affirmative action policies so that the recruitment does not favor one gender as it were before the programs.
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    Teachers’ Professional Development Programmes and Quality of Teaching in Primary Schools in Kitagwenda District
    (American Research Journal of Humanities & Social Science (ARJHSS), 2023) Jovanice, Ainembabazi; Barigye, Enock; Tutegyereize, Jean
    : The study investigated the influence of Teachers’ Professional Development Programmes on the Quality of Teaching in Primary Schools in Kitagwenda District. The study adopted cross-sectional survey design and used mixed method strategy to collect data specifically concurrent triangulation strategy was used. The study population included 137 respondents and samples size was 117 respondents who included DEO, inspectors, CCTS, SMC, PTA, head teachers, teachers. Data was collected using questionnaires and interview guides. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics using SPSS. Qualitative data was analyzed using thematic and content analysis. It was found that PDPs created more opportunity on teacher collaboration for 56% of teachers; it creates opportunities for teachers to share best practices; PDPs help in improving in pupil learning and achievement; teachers’ relationship with pupils become more positive than before; improved sense of Teachers’ Professionalism. Based on the study findings, the researcher recommended that that teamwork should be maintained for the education system to move on smoothly since it helps teachers accomplish their tasks in time both in their presence and absence.
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    Parental Monitoring and Engagement of Secondary School Students During Covid-19 Lockdown in Kakoba Ward, Mbarara City South, Uganda
    (East African Journal of Education Studies, 2023) Twesigye, Mackey; Barigye, Enock; Tibanyendera, Basil
    The purpose of this study was to investigate parental monitoring and engagement of secondary school students during the COVID-19 Lockdown in Kakoba ward, Mbarara City, Uganda. The study adopted both descriptive and correlational research designs for data collection and analysis. Information was collected from 93 respondents using a questionnaire and interview guide. The factor analysis of items of parental monitoring data generated three factors: parents’ study monitoring, parents’ network monitoring, and parents’ activeness in the student’s studies. The informants’ views provided more insights into the factors, including timetable, checking on the work covered and giving quiz gave more insights. Factor 1- Parents’ study monitoring mirrored networking with other parents. Factor 2 - Parents’ network monitoring - attending classes with children while Factor 3 - Parents’ activeness in studies. The study rejected the null hypothesis that parental monitoring does not significantly influence the engagement of secondary school students. This calls for the strengthening of the relationship between parental monitoring and engagement of secondary school students.
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    The Relationship Between Teachers’ Social Media Use and Teaching Effectiveness in Secondary Schools of Lyantonde District, Uganda
    (International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development, 2023) Ssemambo, Henry; Balimuttajjo, Sudi; Kyayemagye, Florah
    The study assessed the influence of teachers’ social media use on teaching effectiveness in secondary schools of Lyantonde District. It was guided by the following objectives examining the different social media platforms used by teachers, assessing the level of teaching effectiveness in secondary schools, and establishing the relationship between teachers’ social media use and Teaching effectiveness in Secondary Schools. The study employed a cross-sectional design. The study involved the use of both quantitative and qualitative approaches. This study targeted; teachers, head teachers, DEO, students’ representatives, and members of parents’ teacher associations. The study findings found that the majority of the respondents (73.5%) often use Facebook, (82.4%) rarely use twitter, (88.2%) rarely use Instagram, and all the respondents (100.0%) always use Whatsapp. It was also found that the majority of the respondents (87.3%) always prepared when holding classes, (74.5%) display authority when teaching, (88.2%) are approachable with students. It was further found that there was no statistically significant relationship between teachers’ social media use and teaching effectiveness in secondary schools of Lyantonde District at (P=0.798>0.001, r=0.026). It was concluded that most teachers use Facebook, Whatsapp, zoom and youtube. It was concluded that there is a high teaching effectiveness in secondary schools. It was concluded that there was no statistically significant relationship between teachers’ social media use and Teaching effectiveness in Secondary Schools of Lyantonde District. The researcher recommends that teachers should get much involved in all social media platforms including twitter, Instagram, Skype and Linkeldn. The Ministry of Education and Sports should sensitize teachers on how to use social media platforms for teaching effectiveness in secondary schools
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    Teachers’ Professional Development Programmes and Quality of Teaching in Primary Schools in Kitagwenda District
    (2023) Jovanice, Ainembabazi
    The study investigated the effect of Teachers’ Professional Development Programmes on the Quality of Teaching in Primary Schools in Kitagwenda District. The study was guided by the following objectives: (i) to establish Teachers’ Professional Development programmes implemented in Primary Schools in Kitagwenda District, (ii) to assess the Quality of Teaching among teachers in Primary schools in Kitagwenda district and (iii) to establish the effect of Teachers’ Professional Development programmes on the Quality of Teaching in Primary Schools in Kitagwenda district. The study adopted cross-sectional survey design and used mixed method strategy to collect data specifically concurrent triangulation strategy was used. The study population included 137 respondents and samples size was 117 respondents who included DEO, inspectors, CCTS, SMC, PTA, headteachers, teachers. Data was collected using questioinniares and interview guides. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics, pearson corelation coefficient and linear regression analysis using SPSS. Qualitative data was analysed using thematic and content analysis. From the study, it was found that various teachers’ professional development programmes are implemented in the primary schools and accordingly they included the following: Curriculum Development Workshops; lesson plan workshops, discipline related seminar. It was also found that various indicators of quality teaching for teachers in primary schools in Kitagwenda district exist such as time management. Finally, it was found that teachers’ professional programmes have a significant effect of the quality of teaching and accordingly they include the following: PDPs helps in creating much more opportunity on teacher collaboration; it creates opportunities for teachers to share best practices; PDPs help in improving in pupil learning and achievement; teachers’ relationship with pupils become more positive than before; improved sense of Teachers’ Professionalism.
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    (Bishop Stuart University, 2023-02) Nuwagaba, Vicent; Atukunda, Gershom; Kyayemagye, Florah
    The study assessed the relationship between management of the USE program and establishment of private secondary schools. The study employed across sectional design by which data was collected basing on what is going on at the particular point of time. The study population included MEO, parents, inspectors, head teachers and teachers. A sample size of 344 respondents participated in the study, quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics formulae provided by the statistical packages for social science SPSS v.16. Also the independent variable was correlated with dependent variable using Pearson correlation. The statistical package for social scientists (SPSS 22.0) were used in the analysing of data. The study found out that there is a high positive significant relationship between management of the USE program and establishment of private secondary schools in Ibanda Municipality at P=0.002 at level of significance 0.01, r = 0.878. It was further concluded that there is a high positive significant relationship between management of the USE program and establishment of private secondary schools in Ibanda Municipality. Management of the use program is responsible for the establishment of private secondary schools in Ibanda Municipality. It was recommended that the government should conduct effective supervision of universal secondary schools to improve the effectiveness of USE program. The government should set the limit of fees for students in private schools to enable all parents who have children in private schools afford the fees
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    (Bishop Stuart University, 2023) Twebaze, Richard
    This paper was based on a study carried out among 50 Post Graduate student teachers pursuing a Masters or Post Graduate diploma course in Education. The findings showed that 76% of the participants rated their ICT skills as either low or moderate. While the majority rated themselves highly on word processing, the majority had little or no knowledge on the use of ICT to analyse research data. It is recommended that universities should include a compulsory course unit on research data analysis using ICT. It is further recommended that serving teachers should be given in-service training courses to enable them improve their ICT skills in order to meet the demands of the 21st century.
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    (Bishop Stuart University, 2023) Nkwasiibwe, Wilber; Barigye, Enock; Tibanyendera, Basil
    This study determined the relationship between clinical supervision and teachers’ preparation for teaching. It employed a cross sectional research design where a quantitative approach was used. The researcher used a sample size of 268 respondents. The study findings showed a strong positive statistically significant relationship between clinical supervision and teachers’ preparation (r =0.913**, p = 0.004). It was concluded that there is a significant relationship between clinical supervision and teachers’ preparation for teaching in Universal Primary Education Schools of Mbarara City. The government and the Ministry of Education and Sports should provide policy guidelines and clinical supervision materials to all the head teachers to facilitate the implementation of clinical supervision by head teachers in Universal Primary Education Schools
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    (Bishop Stuart University, 2023) Mwesigwa, Fred Sheldon
    Although Uganda is legally defined as a secular state, it is one of the most ‘religious’ nations in the world in terms of its rich religious though mostly volatile history and current record numbers of religious adherents compared to those who describe themselves as atheists or agnostics. The introduction of Islam, Anglican and Roman Catholic religious belief systems in Uganda ushered in an era of competition for converts which inevitably led to conflicts, including religious wars. Formal Education, mainly through missionary education, centered on promoting denominational identity and despite government efforts to legislate on the need for religious education to address the first national goal of education of ‘promoting national unity and harmony’, the Christian Religious Education (CRE) and the Islamic Religious Education (IRE) curriculum have largely remained catechetical and not dialogical, which compounds the already existing tensions between members of different religious denominations as illustrated by interviews done in schools. There is a need to review the curriculum to address the gaps cited in this article that seeks to address the multi-religious composition of schools and society to safeguard against religious tension and conflict which are proving to be endemic
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    Occupational Information Knowledge Levels among Secondary School Students in Uganda
    (Scientific Research Publishing Inc., 2023) Anne, Otwine; Ainamaani, Elvis Herbert; Aheisebwe, Irene; Matagi, Leonsio
    Youth unemployment challenge remains a problem in Middle Income and Low-Income Countries (LICs) despite the existence of career guidance and counselling services in schools. A quasi-experiment was conducted in four major secondary schools in southwestern Uganda among students receiving advanced level education. A total of 89 students were enrolled into treatment group, and 72 in control group that were randomly selected. Treatment group received career guidance and counselling sensitisation based occupational in formation contained in National Occupational Information Coordinating Com mittee (NOICC) competencies and indicators (1976). A checklist was mod ified from NOICC competencies and indicators and used to assess students’ occupational information knowledge. Results revealed no significant occupa tional information knowledge difference between treatment and control groups. However, occupational information knowledge gaps were detected in compe tencies for understanding the impact of growth and development, need for positive attitudes toward work and learning, and understanding how societal needs and functions influence the nature and structure of work; and under standing the interrelationship of life roles on career life decisions. Therefore, increasing occupational information sensitisation for students in schools fo cusing on current changing work demands and technology may improve ca reer transition among students and reduce youth unemployment challenge being experienced globally
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    The Forms and Causes of Domestic Violence as Depicted in The Burdens and Black Mamba by John Ruganda
    (East African Journal of Education Studies, 2023) Joan, Turyahebwa
    This paper examines the forms and causes of domestic violence in John Ruganda’s The Burdens (1972) and Black Mamba (1973). It is set to bring out how domestic violence affects characters in the plays and as well as people in society since it is a prevalent act in the universe. This paper establishes that domestic violence occurs in many forms, including physical aggression or assault (hitting, kicking, biting, shoving, restraining, kidnapping, unlawful imprisonment, trespassing, harassment) or threats thereof; sexual abuse, emotional abuse, controlling or domineering, intimidation, stalking, passive covert abuse (neglect), and economic deprivation. John Ruganda’s The Burdens expresses most forms of violence but physical assault stands out. The second issue is to establish the causes of domestic violence as explored in the two plays by John Ruganda. This paper has discovered that the bit of culture that accentuates domestic violence is inheritance. Black Mamba has a twist as far as the economic factors play a role in the cause of domestic violence. Economic factors are found to play a significant role in the causes of domestic violence. These factors include women’s economic dependence on men, limited access to cash and credit, discriminatory laws regarding inheritance, property rights, use of communal lands and maintenance after divorce or widowhood, limited access to employment in formal and informal sectors, and limited access to education and training for women. The legal causes include lesser legal status of women either by written law or by practice, inheritance, the legal definition of rape and domestic abuse, low level of legal literacy among women, and insensitive treatment of women and girls.
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    The Effectiveness of Home Learning Among Secondary School Students in Nyakayojo Mbarara City South
    (East African Journal of Education Studies, 2022) Beatrace, Nahurira; Enock, Barigye; Basil, Tibanyendera
    The study assesses the effectiveness of home learning among secondary school students in Nyakayojo Mbarara City South. The researcher used a cross-sectional research design. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used. The population of the study comprised the Mbarara City Inspector of Schools, Mbarara City Education Officer, Students, Headteachers, Director of Studies, Chairperson LC1, and parents. A sample size of 311 respondents participated in the study. The study findings found that the effectiveness of home learning in Nyakayojo Mbarara City South was bad. It was concluded that there was the ineffectiveness of home learning in Nyakayojo Mbarara City South. It was recommended that the government should always distribute self-study materials on time. This will enable students to keep motivated while learning from home during holidays. The government should ensure that the study materials distributed are effectively utilised by students. This can be implemented through sensitisation on mass media like radios, TVs, and Newspapers, among others
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    Teachers’ Qualifications and Their Performance in Primary Schools in Buyanja Sub-County Rukungiri District, Uganda
    (East African Journal of Education Studies, 2022) Evas, Turyasiima; Balimuttajjo, Suudi; Tutegyerize, Jean
    This study investigated the relationship between teachers’ qualifications and their performance in Buyanja sub-county primary schools, Rukungiri district, Uganda. The study adopted a cross-sectional research design on a sample of 190 respondents. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire, an interview guide, and an observation checklist. Quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics that were frequencies, percentages and means, and inferential statistics, then correlation and regression. The study found that there was a moderate positive relationship between teachers’ qualifications and teaching staff performance in primary schools in Buyanja Sub-County Rukungiri. It was recommended that the school managers and administrators should always deploy the teachers depending on the level of performance rather than the level of qualification.
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    Distribution of Self-Study Materials and Home Learning Among Secondary School Students in Nyakayojo Mbarara City South
    (Bishop Stuart University, 2023-01-25) Beatrace, Nahurira
    The study assesses the contribution of self-study materials on home learning among secondary school students in Nyakayojo Mbarara City South. Objectives of the study included; to examine the extent to which self-study materials were distributed to secondary school students, to assess the effectiveness of home learning, and to establish the relationship between distribution of self-study materials and home learning among secondary school students. The researcher used a cross sectional research designs. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used. The population of the study comprised of Mbarara City Inspector of Schools, Mbarara City Education Officer, Students, Headteachers, Director of Studies, Chairperson LC1 and parents. A sample size of 311 respondents participated in the study. The study findings found out that the extent to which self-study materials were distributed to secondary school students in Nyakayojo Mbarara City South was low. The study findings found out that the effectiveness of home learning in Nyakayojo Mbarara City South was bad. The study findings found out that there is a statistically significant relationship between distribution of self-study materials and home learning at p =0.000. It was concluded that there was poor distribution of self-study materials in Nyakayojo Mbarara City South. There was ineffectiveness of home learning in Nyakayojo Mbarara City South was good. Distribution of self-study materials was associated with home learning. It was recommended that the government should always self study materials in time. This will enable students to keep motivate while learning from home during holidays. The parents should guide their children on how to use study materials distributed. This will enable effective utilization of study materials. The government should ensure that the study materials distributed are effectively utilized by students. This can be implemented through sensitization on mass media like radios, TVs, Newspapers, among others.
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    Distribution of Self-Study Materials and Home Learning Among Secondary School Students in Nyakayojo Mbarara City South
    (Bishop Stuart University, 2022-09) Beatrace, Nahurira
    The study assesses the contribution of self-study materials on home learning among secondary school students in Nyakayojo Mbarara City South. Objectives of the study included; to examine the extent to which self-study materials were distributed to secondary school students, to assess the effectiveness of home learning, and to establish the relationship between distribution of self-study materials and home learning among secondary school students. The researcher used a cross sectional research designs. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used. The population of the study comprised of Mbarara City Inspector of Schools, Mbarara City Education Officer, Students, Headteachers, Director of Studies, Chairperson LC1 and parents. A sample size of 311 respondents participated in the study. The study findings found out that the extent to which self-study materials were distributed to secondary school students in Nyakayojo Mbarara City South was low. The study findings found out that the effectiveness of home learning in Nyakayojo Mbarara City South was bad. The study findings found out that there is a statistically significant relationship between distribution of self-study materials and home learning at p =0.000. It was concluded that there was poor distribution of self-study materials in Nyakayojo Mbarara City South. There was ineffectiveness of home learning in Nyakayojo Mbarara City South was good. Distribution of self-study materials was associated with home learning. It was recommended that the government should always self study materials in time. This will enable students to keep motivate while learning from home during holidays. The parents should guide their children on how to use study materials distributed. This will enable effective utilization of study materials. The government should ensure that the study materials distributed are effectively utilized by students. This can be implemented through sensitization on mass media like radios, TVs, Newspapers, among others.
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    Information and Communications Technology Utilization and Records Management in Secondary Schools in Sheema District Southwestern Uganda
    (Bishop Stuart University, 2023-05) Patience, Kyoshabire
    The study was about the relationship between data and communications innovation utilization and records administration in auxiliary schools in Sheema Locale, Southwestern Uganda. It was guided by the taking after goals: to set up the level of utilization of ICT, to decide quality of records overseen in auxiliary schools of Sheema Locale, and to decide the relationship between ICT utilization and records administration in auxiliary schools. A add up to test of 10 schools (five private auxiliary schools and five government helped auxiliary schools), 10 head instructors, 10 ICT chairmen was chosen utilizing purposive testing. Twenty (20) records authorities and 100 instructors were chosen utilizing basic irregular inspecting. The analyst utilized surveys and meet strategies of information collection. Quantitative information from the field was handled and analyzed utilizing Factual Bundle for Social Researchers (SPSS v20). Subjective information from interviews was analyzed descriptively and data displayed within the story shape. The consider discoveries found that the level of utilization of ICT in auxiliary schools of Sheema Locale was tall at an in general cruel 3.77. The think about discoveries found that the quality of records overseen in auxiliary schools of Sheema Locale was great, with an in general cruel 3.80. The study found that the relationship coefficient was 0.290 which shows that there's a positive relationship between ICT utilization and records administration in many secondary schools of Sheema Area. The p esteem 0.001 appears that there's a measurably critical relationship between ICT utilization and records administration in auxiliary schools of Sheema Area. Be that as it may, the consider found that a few schools in Sheema Locale don't have ICT apparatuses and others have few of which are not adequately utilized. It was concluded that there was a tall level of utilization of ICT in auxiliary schools of Sheema Locale. It was moreover concluded that the degree to which records are overseen in auxiliary schools of Sheema Area was tall. It was too concluded that a few auxiliary schools of Sheema Locale don't utilize /have ICT devices. It was assist concluded that there was a measurably critical relationship between ICT utilization and records administration in numerous auxiliary schools of Sheema Locale. Subsequently changes in ICT utilization were related with changes within the quality of records administration. It was suggested that the government ought to give ICT apparatuses to all auxiliary schools. This will improve the selection of the innovation frameworks for legitimate administration of records in schools
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    (Bishop stuart university, 2022-07) ROBERT, AGUME
    The study investigated the relationship between cultural attachment and intention to dropout of school among children in primary schools in Kazo district. It was guided by three research objectives, which included; 1) To establish the level of cultural attachment among children in Primary schools in Kazo District; 2) To establish the level of intention to dropout of child is in Primary schools in Kazo District; and 3)To establish the relationship between cultural attachment and intention to dropout of school among children in Primary schools in Kazo District. Two questions; 1) What is the level of cultural attachment among children in Primary schools in Kazo District? 2) What is the level of intention to dropout of children in Primary schools in Kazo District and a hypothesis; The researcher employed different techniques to select participants. Children were selected by using simple random sampling. Under this, the researcher first used stratified sampling by dividing teachers and children according to gender. After this, fish bowl method was used to get equal number of respondents from different gender strata (Botev & Ridder, 2017).Selection of head teachers and the DEO were selected using purposive sampling technique because they have key information concerning cultural attachment and the intention to dropout of school in respective schools. There is no relationship between cultural attachment and intention to dropout of school among children in Primary schools in Kazo District guided the study. The researcher used a cross - sectional survey design in the primary schools in Kazo district. The study population was conducted among 209 participants, including 201 children, a District Education Officer and 7 head teachers. The study findings showed that low cultural attachment and intention to dropout of school among children in primary schools in Kazo district and children no statistically significant relationship between them (p = .242). It was concluded that cultural attachment and drop out intention were actually low with limited relationship between them. Strategies to keep cultural attachment and intentions to dropout low such as free education are paramount