Technology Use and Job Performance of Academic Staff of Bishop Stuart University
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East African Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
The study investigated the impact of technology use on job performance of
academic staff. In particular, the study examined the influence of teaching
technological use, managerial technological use, and research technological
use on job performance of academic staff. Utilising a quantitative research
approach, the study employed a correlational research design on a sample of
158 academic staff of Bishop Stuart University in Uganda. Data was collected
using a self-administered questionnaire (SAQ). Data was analysed using
descriptive statistics to show how the respondents rated academic staff
technology use and job performance and Partial Least Squares Structural
Equation Modelling to examine intricate relationships between variables and
indicators. Descriptive results revealed that academic staff job performance
was moderate while technology use was high. Structural equation analysis
revealed that while managerial technology use had a significant and positive
impact on academic job performance, research technology use and teaching
technology use had a positive but insignificant influence on academic job
performance. The study concluded that technology use for teaching and
research has less contribution to job performance of academic staff but
technology use for managerial purposes is vital for job performance of
academic staff. The study recommended that university managers should
employ more academic staff with PhDs such that besides teaching, they can
effectively participate in research and community service activities,
university managers should enhance academic staff use of technologies for
research activities, and university managers should encourage academic staff
to use technology for managerial purposes.
Job Performance, Managerial, Research, Teaching, Technology Use