Information and Communications Technology Utilization and Records Management in Secondary Schools in Sheema District Southwestern Uganda

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Bishop Stuart University


The study was about the relationship between data and communications innovation utilization and records administration in auxiliary schools in Sheema Locale, Southwestern Uganda. It was guided by the taking after goals: to set up the level of utilization of ICT, to decide quality of records overseen in auxiliary schools of Sheema Locale, and to decide the relationship between ICT utilization and records administration in auxiliary schools. A add up to test of 10 schools (five private auxiliary schools and five government helped auxiliary schools), 10 head instructors, 10 ICT chairmen was chosen utilizing purposive testing. Twenty (20) records authorities and 100 instructors were chosen utilizing basic irregular inspecting. The analyst utilized surveys and meet strategies of information collection. Quantitative information from the field was handled and analyzed utilizing Factual Bundle for Social Researchers (SPSS v20). Subjective information from interviews was analyzed descriptively and data displayed within the story shape. The consider discoveries found that the level of utilization of ICT in auxiliary schools of Sheema Locale was tall at an in general cruel 3.77. The think about discoveries found that the quality of records overseen in auxiliary schools of Sheema Locale was great, with an in general cruel 3.80. The study found that the relationship coefficient was 0.290 which shows that there's a positive relationship between ICT utilization and records administration in many secondary schools of Sheema Area. The p esteem 0.001 appears that there's a measurably critical relationship between ICT utilization and records administration in auxiliary schools of Sheema Area. Be that as it may, the consider found that a few schools in Sheema Locale don't have ICT apparatuses and others have few of which are not adequately utilized. It was concluded that there was a tall level of utilization of ICT in auxiliary schools of Sheema Locale. It was moreover concluded that the degree to which records are overseen in auxiliary schools of Sheema Area was tall. It was too concluded that a few auxiliary schools of Sheema Locale don't utilize /have ICT devices. It was assist concluded that there was a measurably critical relationship between ICT utilization and records administration in numerous auxiliary schools of Sheema Locale. Subsequently changes in ICT utilization were related with changes within the quality of records administration. It was suggested that the government ought to give ICT apparatuses to all auxiliary schools. This will improve the selection of the innovation frameworks for legitimate administration of records in schools


A Dissertation Submitted to Faculty of Education, Arts and Media Studies in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for Award of the Degree of Master of Education Administration and Planning Of Bishop Stuart University


Information and Communications Technology Utilization, Records Management in Secondary Schools, Sheema District Southwestern Uganda
