Factors Affecting Uptake and Use of Family Planning Services among HIV Positive Clients in Nyakitunda Sub-county, Isingiro district
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f Bishop Stuart University
Access to family planning services provides reproductive resources such as birth control,
contraceptives and prevention of STDS and HIV. It is a cost effective strategy for prevention of
mother to child transmission of HIV and reduction of infant mortality. Despite availability,
access and training on different family planning methods in Isingiro district, uptake and use of
these methods among HIV positive patients of Nyakitunda Sub-county has remained low due to
un-known factors.The study was conducted to assess the factors affecting uptake and use of
family planning services among HIV positive clients and establish strategies for promoting
contraceptives among HIV positive patients. The specific objectives were to; find out the various
family planning methods used by HIV positive patients, determine the role of contraceptives in
fighting the spread of HIV among both positive and non-positive people, establish the psycho social and economic factors leading to low uptake and use of contraceptives among HIV positive
patients, and suggest the possible strategies for promoting the uptake and use of contraceptives
among HIV positive patients. The study was cross-sectional in nature employing qualitative and
quantitative techniques to capture data from 358 respondents using questionnaires and interview
guide. The study indicate that condom, breastfeeding, withdraws and injectables/inject plan were
the common FP methods used among HIV patients. Contraceptives most especially condoms
were believed to reduce new HIV infections, help women to control unwanted pregnancies and
properly space their children. The rate of contraceptive use among persons living with HIV was
low due to factors like; age, level of education (secondary), religion, fear for discrimination, and
HIV stigma. Promoting contraceptives use among HIV positive clients require strategies like;
integrating contraceptive use as part of HIV control program, fighting patient stigma and
discrimination, reaching vulnerable populations, making services more accessible to HIV
patients, mass sensitization and awareness creation. The study concluded that there are
significant factors affecting uptake and use of family planning services among HIV positive
patients in Nyakitunda Sub-county and recommends the need to strengthen and integrate FP
services into HIV services and development of a strategic approach that conveys HIV prevention
messages and ensure continuous education for patients living with HIV on the role of
contraception in prevention of the epidemic.
Article on Factors Affecting Uptake and Use of Family Planning Services among HIV Positive Clients in Nyakitunda Sub-county, Isingiro district
Factors, Uptake and Use, Family Planning, HIV, Positive Patients, Isingiro, Uganda