Salary Differentiation and Job Performance of Employees in DE concentrated Units of the Ministry of Water and Environment
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American Research Journal of Humanities & Social Science (ARJHSS)
Salary is a fundamental ingredient that plays a crucial role on employees‟ job performance in an
organisation. It was important to undertake this study to examine whether salary differentiation influences
employees job performance in the DE concentrated units of the Ministry of Water and Environment in Uganda.
The study adopted a descriptive survey design and a correlational research design for qualitative and qualitative
parts. A sample of 176 respondents participated in the study. Data was collected using Questionnaires and
Interview guide. Quantitative data was analysed using; descriptive statistics, correlation coefficient and
regression coefficient. Qualitative data was analysed using thematic content analysis. From the findings, the
major determinants of salary differentiation in the DE concentrated units of the Ministry of Water and
Environment were seniority that contributes most to employees „job performance followed by different
responsibilities while discriminatory differences like nepotism contributes the least to employees‟ job
performance. Findings further showed that the level of employees‟ job performance relates positively with
salary differentiation. Findings showed that employee‟s job performance is influenced by salary differentiation
in the DE concentrated units of the Ministry of Water and Environment. The study findings indicate that the
level of employees‟ job performance relates positively with salary differentiations. The study findings also
indicated that employees‟ job performance is influenced by salary differentiations in De concentrated units of
the Ministry of Environment. Local contract employment now accounts for 95% of total staff employed in the
DE concentrated units of the Ministry of Water and Environment. It was concluded that different responsibilities
contribute most to employees‟ job performance, followed by seniority while discriminatory differences like
nepotism contributes the least to employees job performance. It is recommended that the Ministry of Water and
Environment should foster the quality of policies to reduce inequalities in salaries
Salary Differentiation and Job Performance of Employees in DE concentrated Units of the Ministry of Water and Environment
DE concentrated units, Job performance, Salary differentiation, Ministry of Water and Environment