Documentation and consensus of indigenous knowledge on medicinal plants used by the local communities of western Uganda
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Scholars Research Library
An ethnobotanical study was conducted to document the uses of medicinal plants among the local communities of
western Uganda. The aim of the study was to identify and document plant species used for treatment of various
ailments in the study areas, identify the commonly used plants, parts used, preparation and administration of herbal
drugs. To find out the level of consensus or agreement between informants regarding the uses of plants for
particular disease categories. Information on the plants was gathered between December 2010 and May 2011 from
124 informants using semi-structured interviews and discussions. For analysis of general use of plants, factor
informant consensus (Fic) was used. The reported plants were collected and identified. The study revealed 231 plant
species belonging to 72 families and 164 genera. These plants were used to treat various diseases and ailments
grouped under 14 ailment categories, with the highest number of species (127) being used for gastrointestinal
disorders followed by reproductive health disorders (75). The factor informant consensus highlighted low
agreement in the use of plants. The highest Fic (0.61) was scored for the digestive problems, such as intestinal
worms, stomachache and constipation. Aloe vera was used for malaria with the highest frequency of mention (26
mentions). Herbs (55%) were the main source of medicine followed by shrubs (18%). Leaves (65%) and roots (19%)
were the main plant parts used in remedy preparation while decoction was the major form of preparation. Family
Asteraceae accounted for 16% of the total species recorded. The majority of plants (53%) were harvested from wild
habitats. The most important species according to their fidelity are Senna occidentalis (L.) Link for deworming,
Aloe vera L. for malaria, Maytenus senegalensis (Lam) Exell for syphilis and Senecio hadiensis Forssk for
miscarriages.The low consensus means the majority of informants do not agree or exchange information on the use
of plant species and this may require bioactivity screening to justify the use for the reported ailments. The
documented information regarding therapeutic uses provides basic data for further studies focused on
pharmacological studies and conservation of the most important species.
article on Documentation and consensus of indigenous knowledge on medicinal plants used by the local communities of western Uganda
Documentation, indigenous knowledge, medicinal plants, consensus, Uganda