Assessing The Utilization Of Compost Manure And Its Effects On Productivity Of Bananas In Rubaare And Rugarama Sub-Counties, Ntungamo District

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Kamusiime Arthur


Banana plays an important role in enhancing food security and income for majority households in Rugarama and Rubaare sub-counties. Despite its role, the area continues to experience a decline in banana yields due to declining soil fertility, pest and diseases. Continuous cropping without appropriate soil management practices has accelerated deterioration in soil physical, chemical and biological properties hence lowering the crop yields. Farmers have adopted yield enhancing technologies such as the use of organic fertilizers. The study assessed the utilization of compost manure and its effects on productivity of bananas in Rubaare and Rugarama sub-counties, Ntungamo district. The study objectives included (i) to; determine the percentage of banana farmers that are using compost manure, (ii) determine the methods used in the preparation of compost manure in order to enhance quality, (iii) to assess the contributions of compost manure towards the quality and quantity of banana harvested and (iv) find out the challenges associated with the use of compost manure in banana production. The study was cross-sectional in nature employing quantitative and qualitative approaches for data collection. Data was collected from 364 banana farmers using questionnaire and interviews. The rate of utilization and awareness of compost manure among banana farmers was high with 83% of the farmers using compost manure to enhance soil for banana production. Animal manure was the most commonly used at 35.7%, plant leaves and plant straws 23.6% and a combination of animal wastes and plant leaves 23%. The pile/hip method was the most commonly used method in the preparation of compost at 54.4%, followed by pit method at 31.3% and bin method 14.3% respectively. In terms of contributions towards the quality and quantity of banana harvested, compost manure improves the size and quality of banana fingers by 37.6%, improves soil water retention 25.8% and also improves the quality of bunches by 24.5%. Limited nutrient availability (p=0.001), lack of Labor (p=0.005), limited capital (p=0.003), lack of materials to use for compost (p=0.002) were the main challenges associated with the use of compost manure in banana production. The study recommended the need for education and awareness, increasing labor supply, strengthening the extension system, designing effective manure preparation methods, availing credit to farmers and encouraging farmers to take up mixed farming since increase in cattle holding has shown to significantly enhance manure use in banana production.




Utilization,Compost Manure,Productivity,Bananas.
