Parental Monitoring and Engagement of Secondary School Students During Covid-19 Lockdown in Kakoba Ward, Mbarara City South, Uganda

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East African Journal of Education Studies


The purpose of this study was to investigate parental monitoring and engagement of secondary school students during the COVID-19 Lockdown in Kakoba ward, Mbarara City, Uganda. The study adopted both descriptive and correlational research designs for data collection and analysis. Information was collected from 93 respondents using a questionnaire and interview guide. The factor analysis of items of parental monitoring data generated three factors: parents’ study monitoring, parents’ network monitoring, and parents’ activeness in the student’s studies. The informants’ views provided more insights into the factors, including timetable, checking on the work covered and giving quiz gave more insights. Factor 1- Parents’ study monitoring mirrored networking with other parents. Factor 2 - Parents’ network monitoring - attending classes with children while Factor 3 - Parents’ activeness in studies. The study rejected the null hypothesis that parental monitoring does not significantly influence the engagement of secondary school students. This calls for the strengthening of the relationship between parental monitoring and engagement of secondary school students.


Parental Monitoring and Engagement of Secondary School Students During Covid-19 Lockdown in Kakoba Ward, Mbarara City South, Uganda


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