Challenges of Teaching and Research In a New Private University In Uganda

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Bishop Stuart University


This article 6C<k$ to 1nswcr five pertinent quc$tlons: Wh.:u is the role o( a university? What capacities do new private universities have? What challenges do they face? What is the role of government in hlghcr education? What could be done to impl"O\-e the performance o( thc$c instituoons? Thcicforc this article: "'" 1nspittd hr the need to explore in-depth the challenges &ccd br ncw privltc unn'ttlitic< with specific respect to teaching and rcscardl. It was found tlut whcrcu the new pm .. ie WIJ'\'CnllltS arc pb)'lng a "a)' impo.rtam role in pro,•Klh1g access to higher education, they arc &cul with tough challenge• that need ro be addressed immediately. Thttc challenges arc prc~entetl in five broad ca1egoric1 as: challenges of rcSc2rch-b2scd lea ming. institution2l research cap1ciry, administntion, academic rc6Carch superviflOI\, art<! in:idequ.itc gc>'"Cmmcm fuuncW suppon. nus article conduclcs tlut new art<! pin .. ,. WIJ'\-.::rsn>cs arc dearly in nttd o( a rapid chang• o ( appro>ch 10 rcopond 10 the rnany social. economic, art<! t<chnological challenges they &cc. It is also obscn-.::d that new insrirudonal stnregics and dockion-malting must Ix croa1cd, articubted ond adopted to enable these institutions to survive art<! prosper. Govornrrn:nu 2nd other donors must also come in ro suppon thcsc institutions to provide hlgh<:r education. Further still. continuous inlpro,'Cment o( tcachiog art<! ruearch infrascruaure should bt ~"'° priority hr new ond pm-:lte unn-.::rsitics.



Challenges, Teaching, Research, Private University, Uganda
