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    The 6th International Ecumenical Fellowship Conference In Partnership With Bishop Stuart University. 15th – 17th August 2024 Las Vegas Hotel – Mbarara City Theme: Religion And Developmen
    I t is with excitement that I write this Foreword to the Proceedings of the 6th International Ecumenical Fellowship Conference in partnership with Bishop Stuart University held in Mbarara Uganda at Las Vegas Hotel from 15th-17th August, 2024. The theme of the conference is “Religion and Development”. The conference seeks to contribute towards achieving SDGs number 1 and 3 which seek to end poverty as well as promoting good health and well being respectively. We are convinced that promoting development through religion is an inclusive strategy for sustainable growth and development under vision 2040. This gathering shows our shared commitment to explore, understand, and apply the profound truths of the Christian faith to the various realms of academia and society. The conference particularly encourages the interaction of researchers, development partners, employers and practitioners. Their contributions help to make the conference as outstanding as it has been. We shall forever be indebted! In addition to the contributed papers, Dr. Emmanuel Dei-Tumi from Ghana, a renown motivational speaker and President of Human Capital International, is the Key note speaker of the Conference theme: “Religion and Development” These Proceedings will furnish researchers, development partners, employers and practitioners of the world with literature for reference. I trust also that this will be an impetus to stimulate further studies and research in other related IEF CONFERENCE 2024 | 11 areas. May we all leave here inspired and equipped to integrate our faith with our academic and professional endeavours, advancing God’s kingdom through our work. I thank all authors and participants for their contributions. Lastly, I want to acknowledge the tireless efforts of the organizing committee and volunteers, whose dedication and hard work have made this event possible. Thank you for joining us, and may God bless our time together. Sincerely, Rt Rev Assoc. Prof Fred Sheldon Mwesigwa (Ph. D) Bishop Ankole Diocese/Chancellor Bishop Stuart University /President IEF-Africa/Conference Convener
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    (Bishop Stuart University, 2023)
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    (Bishop Stuart University Press, 2023) Bishop stuart university
    ABSTRACT Although Uganda is legally defined as a secular state, it is one of the most ‘religious’ nations in the world in terms of its rich religious though mostly volatile history and current record numbers of religious adherents compared to those who describe themselves as atheists or agnostics. The introduction of Islam, Anglican and Roman Catholic religious belief systems in Uganda ushered in an era of competition for converts which inevitably led to conflicts, including religious wars. Formal Education, mainly through missionary education, centered on promoting denominational identity and despite government efforts to legislate on the need for religious education to address the first national goal of education of ‘promoting national unity and harmony’, the Christian Religious Education (CRE) and the Islamic Religious Education (IRE) curriculum have largely remained catechetical and not dialogical, which compounds the already existing tensions between members of different religious denominations as illustrated by interviews done in schools. There is a need to review the curriculum to address the gaps cited in this article that seeks to address the multi-religious composition of schools and society to safeguard against religious tension and conflict which are proving to be endemic
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    Open Science for Universities based on UNESCO Recommendations
    (2022-10-07) Maud, Kamatenesi Mugisha
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    (Bishop Stuart University, 2022-05-05) John, Mugisha
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    (Bishop Stuart University, 2019)
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    (Bishop Stuart University, 2015)
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    16th Graduation Ceremony Friday 26th March, 2021 Ceremony
    (Bishop Stuart University, 2021)
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    University Regulations and Guidelines for students 2018
    (Bishop Stuart University, 2018)
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    (Bishop Stuart University, 2014) Maud, Kamatenesi Mugisha
    It is my pleasure to inform our stakeholders about the strides Bishop Stuart University has made over the years under my leadership as the Vice-Chancellor. This book clearly gives an account of all graduation speeches from the time I started my duty journey with the University from 1st May, 2014 to date. Eight graduation ceremonies have been held during my tenure starting with the 10th graduation that was held on 10th October, 2014. I believe that this book will be helpful to the Board of Trustees, Senior Management, Senate, University Coun cil, Government, Development partners, graduates, staff, parents and guardians, stakeholders and the community at large in understanding the role of Bishop Stuart University in the development of the nation and beyond through its vision “To be a University for recreating society with Academic Excellence, entrepreneurship and Christian Values.”, and well as its mission of producing multi-sectorial leaders/operators, who know the way, show the way and go the way. I sincerely appreciate all students who have graduated from BSU since 2014 upon your successful completion of different Academic Programmes that have led to the accomplishments reflected in this book. To all parents and guardians as well as sponsors, we thank you very much for all the sacrifices you have made in raising tuition over the years for the graduates of this great institution. I would like to acknowledge the role played by the Chancellor, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Fred Sheldon Mwesigwa and the current Chairperson University Council, Prof. Kenneth Kagame for their enabling leadership and guidance towards the development of this book. I also thank BSU Academic Staff, Administrative Staff and Support Staff for administering and implementing University activities which annually resulted in the graduation of students during my tenure. I wish to acknowledge the contribution of Prof. Laban Erapu, the Professor of Literature who is also in-charge of publications and printing press. Ms. Ankunda Emily, Administrator in charge of projects and partnerships in VC’s Office who compiled the Speeches from 2014 to 2022 and Mr. Mugumya Norman, Public Relations Office, for graphics and final layout of the book. Thank you for your efforts in this process. I sincerely thank all other stakeholders who have participated in various capacities to ensure this book is a success. Thank you for your contribution and commitment to this cause. BSU hopes that this book will be informative for policy decisions
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    9th Graduation List
    (2013) Bishop Stuart University
    List of Graduands on the 9th Graduation 2013
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    Postgraduate Handbook
    (2016-12) Bishop Stuart University
    The Post Graduate Handbook is one of the vital policy documents of Bishop Stuart University meant to guide students and staff in the processes of management of the graduate programmes to ensure high quality standards. With acquisition of a Charter, BSU is taking its place on the academic stage through graduate training and research. The Post Graduate Handbook is based on the overall research agenda and research policy of BSU both of which spell out the focus and direction of the research activities to be undertaken at BSU. Being located in the cattle corridor that straddles more than 84,000 sq. Kms, (BSU) hosts vast scientific, ecological, socio-economic and social-cultural niches, that offer varied research and innovation opportunities to graduate students, staff and the general public. The challenge faced is to identify and prioritise the areas that need to be researched into, to generate information that may inform decisions and action, hence the need for a Graduate Handbook, which initiates the process of consultation on the subject of research. BSU strategic plan aims at ensuring efficiency, effectiveness and quality in all areas of research by putting emphasis on a productive research environment. Further emphasis is laid on excellence in innovative research and utilization of knowledge. The research and grant policy of BSU gives the major objective of undertaking research and projects, as a means to enhance the scientific, technological, social, economic and political development for the improvement of the living standards of the Ugandan people and beyond. The policy will aid decision making, setting goals and strategies, and providing a framework for developing innovative, quality management, accountability, and strategic direction for research and grants activities. The policy, also, outlines the levels of research to include: i) undergraduate, ii) Post-graduate, iii) Post-Doctoral, iv) Grants oriented and v) Commissioned. This handbook provides guidelines combining rules and regulations, plus material that are vital for graduate students and staff. BSU welcomes new students who have joined us and encourage others to do the same. At BSU, we have built sufficient capacity in form of human resource, supplemented by our partners, to handle a wide range of graduate programmes. The book is a must read for the intending students as it defines important policies, procedures, and practices that guide graduate education at BSU. The Handbook provides a necessary guide as the student navigates through the intricate graduate study journey. Graduate students are a very vital component of the University and its research in particular. BSU places high regard on the educational, social, technological, administrative and scientific aspects of graduate studies. This is in realization that graduate students of all categories bring in vibrant and dynamic research contributions to the University. It is on record that globally, more than half of the research is carried out by graduate students at all levels. Such contribution goes a long way to boost both institutional and individual academic growth. The information provided in the Post Graduate Handbook is a starting point of reference. More consultations at all levels will be very fruitful to those intending to engage in graduate research. Both students and staff are encouraged to internalise the contents of the Post Graduate Handbook in order to expedite the process of graduate training and to stay focussed. The handbook is designed to provide the basic requirements, rules and regulations pertaining to graduate work. Our God Reigns,
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    Procurement Policy/Manual
    (Bishop Stuart University, 2017-02-17) Bishop Stuart University
    This established comprehensive procurement policy clearly spells out specific roles and responsibilities of key parties in relation to procurement decision making. The policy has also established a standard framework that stipulates well-delineated roles and boundaries. Its over-riding purpose is to providing systematic management of the procurement process in a manner that maximizes economy and efficiency; promotes fair competition, integrity, transparency and accountability.
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    Human Resorce Manual
    (Bishop Stuart University Council, 2015-06-06) Bishop Stuart University
    The Human Resource Manual [HRM] stipulates the operating rules and procedures to be followed by all stakeholders of Bishop Stuart University [BSU] and its subsidiary campuses in conducting their duties. It constitutes the University’s organizational structure and working framework. The manual seeks to regulate employees’ conduct, aims at ensuring efficiency and emphasizing quality at the gate through which the organizational structure is to promote the objectives and goal of the University. Accordingly, the manual outlines the Human resource policies and lays down, procedures, terms and conditions of service which are to govern employment relationships between employees and the University. Training and Management is a highly technical function which requires appropriate levels of education, training and talent. The manual emphasizes the need to recruit staff of suitable qualification with the right attitude to work and ability to execute their duties. It is my hope that Staff and Management will be able to understand this framework to create a conducive working environment and provide care for student and employees’ material and other needs. The setup is expected to bring about a degree of personal involvement in the operations of the University and its campuses. I wish to record my gratitude in my capacity as Chairman of the University Council to the colleagues who drafted this manual for their commendable contributions. My thanks also go to the Vice Chancellor and the University Secretary and their team of senior members of staff who put together relevant material and provided the necessary information in the development of this manual.