Department of Computing, Library and Information Technology [CLIT] collections

Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://localhost:4000/handle/20.500.12284/150


Recent Submissions

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    A Critical Analysis of Distributed Systems with a focus on the Distributed Data Management in Edge Computing Environment
    (Journal of Development, Education and Technology, 2024) Katushabe, Calorine
    The emerging of distributed systems such as Distributed Computing, Grid, Jungle, Fog, Edge, Cloud computing systems, and the future of Inter-Cloud Computing helps to the decreasing of the communication cost in terms of delay and band width consumption while increasing the advances in communications, networking complexity and the advent of big data technology such as proficient knowledge and smart decisions. Edge computing aims to alleviate the load on cloud data centers and minimize delay by making compute and other resources and services available closer to the users. Therefore, in this work, a critical analysis on distributed systems was conducted with a focus on the Distributed Data Management in Edge Computing Environment and it drew its recommendations for future applications such as the Internet of Things.
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    Internet of things based visualisation of effect of air pollution on the lungs using HEPA filters air cleaner
    (Heliyon, 2023) Katushabe, Caroline; Kumaran, Santhi; Masabo, Emmanuel
    The impact of air quality on human health and the environment is very significant, with poor air quality being responsible for numerous deaths and environmental damage worldwide. Whereas a number of studies have been done to monitor the quality of air with help of emerging technologies, little has been done to visualize its effect on health particularly on the lungs. The study explores an approach that combines Internet of Things (IoT) technology with High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters air cleaner to monitor and visualize the effects of air pollution on lung health, highlighting the significant damage that poor air quality causes particularly on the lungs graphically. To achieve this, a 3D display of the lungs is modelled using HEPA filters, which changes colour based on the air pollutant concentrations detected by IoT based sensors. The collected air quality data is then transmitted to Thingspeak, a visualization platform for further analysis. It is observed that the colour of the 3D lung display changed to black over time as air pollutant concentrations increased which in our study is an indicator of unhealthy lung. The study presents an innovative approach to visualize the effects of air pollution on lung health using IoT and HEPA filters air cleaner, which could have significant implications for public health policies aimed at mitigating the harmful effects of air pollution, particularly on lung health.
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    Internet of things based visualisation of effect of air pollution on the lungs using HEPA filters air cleaner
    (Heliyon, 2023) Calorine, Katushabe; Santhi, Kumaran; Emmanuel, Masabo
    The impact of air quality on human health and the environment is very significant, with poor air quality being responsible for numerous deaths and environmental damage worldwide. Whereas a number of studies have been done to monitor the quality of air with help of emerging technologies, little has been done to visualize its effect on health particularly on the lungs. The study explores an approach that combines Internet of Things (IoT) technology with High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters air cleaner to monitor and visualize the effects of air pollution on lung health, highlighting the significant damage that poor air quality causes particularly on the lungs graphically. To achieve this, a 3D display of the lungs is modelled using HEPA filters, which changes colour based on the air pollutant concentrations detected by IoT based sensors. The collected air quality data is then transmitted to Thingspeak, a visualization platform for further analysis. It is observed that the colour of the 3D lung display changed to black over time as air pollutant concentrations increased which in our study is an indicator of unhealthy lung. The study presents an innovative approach to visualize the effects of air pollution on lung health using IoT and HEPA filters air cleaner, which could have significant implications for public health policies aimed at mitigating the harmful effects of air pollution, particularly on lung health
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    Fuzzy Based Prediction Model for Air Quality Monitoring for Kampala City in East Africa
    (MDPI, 2021-07-19) Calorine, Katushabe; Santhi, Kumaran; Emmanuel, Masabo
    : The quality of air affects lives and the environment at large. Poor air quality has claimed many lives and distorted the environment across the globe, and much more severely in African countries where air quality monitoring systems are scarce or even do not exist. Here in Africa, dirty air is brought about by the growth in industrialization, urbanization, flights, and road traffic. Air pollution remains such a silent killer, especially in Africa, and if not dealt with, it will continue to lead to health issues, such as heart conditions, stroke, and chronic respiratory organ unwellness, which later result in death. In this paper, the Kampala Air Quality Index prediction model based on the fuzzy logic inference system was designed to determine the air quality for Kampala city, according to the air pollutant concentrations (nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide and fine particulate matter 2.5). It is observed that fuzzy logic algorithms are capable of determining the air quality index and therefore, can be used to predict and estimate the air quality index in real time, based on the given air pollutant concentrations. Hence, this can reduce the effects of air pollution on both humans and the environment.
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    Towards University Semester and Examinations Regulations Model Verification
    (International Journal of Computer Applications, 2016-07) Calorine, Katushabe; Nabaasa, Evarist; Abubaker, Nyanzi
    This paper reviewed the Mbarara University of Science and Technology semester and examinations regulations handbook and diagrammatically identified a number of flaws in the model. The next phase of this research is to identify parameters at each state in the model and redesign the model so as to try and eliminate or minimize the identified flaws by carrying out model checking for both the current model and the new model to be designed.
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    Effect of Climate Change on Soil Health and Implications on Food Security
    (INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY TECHNOVATION, 2021-11-05) Wycliffe, Tumwesigye; Johnson, Atwiine; Bobe, Bedadi
    Climate change and soil health are intertwined complex processes that affect each other. The aim of this review was to find out the impact of climate change on soil health, its implication on food security and human welfare across the globe. The study found out that soil health is affected by land use practices and several anthropogenic activities carried out on landscapes; climate change and variability. Soil health also contributes to soil water retention, crop productivity, households’ food and income security culminating into a large contribution towards achieving sustainable development goals across the globe. Soil components affect climate and climate affects soil health and human wellbeing. The review article concluded that climate change and soil health are complex and intertwined multidisciplinary processes that require multidisciplinary approaches for better understanding and improvement of crop production. Appropriate climate smart agricultural practices are recommended to enhance soil health and mitigate and adapt to the changing climate for the improved farmers’ income, food security and human wellbeing across the globe.