Rural Electrification and Maize Value Addition in Mpumudde Sub-County, Lyantonde District
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International Journal of Sustainable Development Research
The study was about rural electrification on maize value addition in Mpumunde Sub-County, Lyantonde District.
The study specific objectives were to; characterize maize value addition actors benefiting from rural electrification, identify
factors limiting farmers from participating in maize value addition other than electrification, assess the contribution of rural
electrification towards adding value to maize. The study employed a descriptive cross-sectional research design and primary
data was collected from 200 respondents. The data was analysed using SPSS version 22.0. The study concluded that maize
value addition actors who benefited from rural electrification were characterized by low level of education that is average
number of years in school being six; limited size of land with average of 4 acres and majority had productive age with an
average of aged 38. The study also concluded that there were factors limiting farmers from participating in maize value
addition other than electrification which were; limited training on value addition was significant at (p=.027). Skills and
experience at (p=.021), Credit services/financing at (p=.003). Market availability at (p=.026). Materials and equipments to use
at p= (.029). Level of education and storage facilities were seen non-significant at 5% level of significance with p-values
(p=.312; p=.261). The final conclusion was that maize value adders agreed that the rural electrification connection to maize
milling centers mostly were more efficient in their operations than the non-connected milling centers. They had improved
quality value added products, efficiency in processing activities, operated for long hours and had faster processes. The study
recommends that, there is a need for the government to link with the donors like World Bank who have already acknowledged
through their own studies that there should be a need for massive injection of funds to support the rural electrification
programme. There should be more grace period for the rural people in terms of repayment period since they are not used to the
urban living style where deadlines on payment attract severe action like total disconnection. Maize value adders should be
subsidized with value addition equipments at a fair price to help them sustain production of better quality value added products.
The study recommends that village saving cooperative societies limited render soft and affordable loans at low interest rate to
help farmers finance their value addition activities and ensure sustainability of quality value added products
Rural Electrification, Maize Value Addition, Mpumudde, Lyantonde District