Social Capital and Livelihood among The Congolese Urban Refugees

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American Research Journal of Humanities Social Science (ARJHSS)


ABSTRACT:- In this article, the authors review literature related to Social Capital and Livelihood among urban refugees using a narrative literature review methodology. The literature reviewed forms a vital part of the data available on how social capital has contributed to the welfare of refugees living in urban settings. The purpose of reviewing literature related to Social Capital and Livelihood among urban refugees is to provoke thought and controversy among scholarly writings and assumptions in order to stimulate scholarly discourse. The article specifically seeks for literature related to: Networking, Bonding, Bridging, and Linking, Social Capital formation. This narrative review methodology, proceeded by evaluating and integrating the results of several studies to address gaps and recommend useful ideas among them. By reviewing the literature, we critically analyze how Social Capital is formed and theoretical assumptions underlying it. We also examine the applicability of Social Capital on the Urban Congolese livelihoods



Livelihood, Social Networks, Social Capital (Bonding, Bridging, and Linking), Urban
