Relevancy of Modern Agriculture Education on Students’ Farming Practical Skills in Secondary Schools of Kabujogera Town Council, Kitagwenda Dist

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Despite the importance of agriculture education, it has recently been approved that agriculture students still lack practical skills and this could be attributed to poor delivery of methods on modern agriculture education and other numerous challenge like retention rates of students, lack of interest from the learners, lack of practical time/opportunities, limited funding for agriculture practicals, and low passion by agriculture teachers. The study was about the relevancy of modern agriculture education on students’ farming practical skills in secondary schools in Kabujogera Town council, Kitagwenda district. It was guided by three specific objectives which were to; examine different methods of modern agriculture education taught in secondary schools, identify the challenges experienced in modern agriculture education in secondary schools, evaluate the strategies to enhance modern agriculture education in order to improve practical skills among secondary students. The study employed a cross-sectional study design that used both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The study used a sample size of 248. The study used questionnaires and interview guide to collect data. The data collected was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Scientists. The study concluded that modern agricultural education methods had significant relationship with improving students’ farming practical skills. These included; utilization of modern agricultural inputs (x2 = 8.305, p=0.005), Use of improved farm machines (x2 = 6.048, p=0.001), Pre and Post-harvest handling (x2 = 4.985, p= 0.026), and use of modern resistant crop varieties (x2 = 4.120, p=0.004). The study concluded that there were significant challenges experienced in modern agriculture education. These included; limited modern agricultural in puts at [p = 0.001], lack of resources to use [p = 0.005], poor motivation among students and teachers [p = 0.003], limited school farm size [p = 0.001] and poor learning environment [p = 0.004]. The study finally concluded that strategies to enhance modern agriculture education had significant association with improving student’s farming practical skills. Such as; agriculture tours and field trips (p=.027), class discussion student involvement (p=.029), use of practical demonstration method (p=.004) and recruitment of experienced agriculture teachers (p=.028). The study recommended that; there should be training and re-training among teachers and students of agricultural science on use of modern agricultural education technology. Secondary schools should ensure establishment of enough demonstration farms that students would constantly visit in order to copy much on how to do agriculture practical work to improve their skills and experienc



Relevancy, Modern Agriculture Education, Farming Practical
