Francis, KazibweEverd, ManipleEvelyn, AkelloSalome, AsioVento, AumaHaruna, LuleBruno, CorradoJohn, Odaga2023-10-172023-10-172003 health care industry is an important contributor to the economy, especially to that of the area surrounding health institutions. This effect is even more marked in the case of rural facilities. At national level, it comes in the form of ensuring a healthy productive population and saving costs that would have otherwise been spent on treatment, thus liberating them for use on other developmental purposes. However, being a labour-intensive industry, it also contributes by providing employment for a significant section of the working-age population. At local level, in addition to the general benefits mentioned above, it comes in the form of attracting significant government and external investment to the area, and providing a market for local goods and services. It also helps to ‘keep health dollars at home’ by ensuring that locals are treated within their area and thus retaining their health expenditure within their own economy. Yet, the economic impact of the health care industry is still under-estimated the world over, Uganda inclusive. Until recently, most studies of economic impact concentrated on the contribution of activities other than health care (Scorsone 2001; Scorsone 2002) and as such, there are few articles available to be reviewed about healthcareen-USECONOMIC IMPACTLACOR HOSPITALSURROUNDING AREAECONOMIC IMPACT OF LACOR HOSPITAL ON THE SURROUNDING AREAArticle