Opio, FinaKyamaywa, S.Kayizzi, K.Katwijukye, A.2022-06-152022-06-152000Opio, Fina et-al (2000) Current status and progress of research on the management of bean root rot complex in south western Uganda,Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences,ISSN 1026-0919https://ir.bsu.ac.ug//handle/20.500.12284/350Bean root rot as a common disease affecting Western UgandaBean root rot is the most important disease affecting beans in South Western Uganda. The disease has resulted incomplete loss of t he crop in some areas. At the moment there is urgent need to look for means of reducing the disease and revitalizing bean prod uctiou. Them a in ohj ective of this study was to identify control measures that can reduce the disease on farmers field s. A rapid rural appraisal was carried out to determine the incidence of the disease and identify the disease causing organisms. Experiments set up included (i) integrated disease management, (ii) varietal resistance and (iii) combination of (i) and (ii). The experimental design in (i) and (iii) was a split plot while in (ii) the design was a randomized block design. The disease incidence in the district ranged between 80-100% on farmers fields. It was noted that 75% of the attacked crops were attached by Pytltium spp atone. The other 25% was a combination of Pytlriwn spp with one or both of the following: Fu.mrium so/ani and R!Jizoctonia spp. The use of soil organic amendments such as farm yard manure, green manure and earthing up was only effective where the disease was not very severe when a susceptible variety was used. Where the incidence was high, then these treatments were not effective. The most tolerant varieties identified were RWR 179, MLB 49/89A, G2333, Flora and Vuninkingi. A combination offarm yard manure, earthing up and tolerant varieties \\'ith seed dressing with fungicide and insecticide gave the highest yield of 2 tons per hactare as com pared to tolerant va ric ties and green manure that gave a yield of 0. 7 tons per ha only. It was therefore concluded that an integrated disease management st~IWO~Ierant varieties, farm yard manure and earthing up be adopted in order to reduce the disease in South Western Uganda.enBeanRoot-rotUgandaCurrent Status And Progress Of Research On The Management of Bean Root Rot Complex In South Western UgandaArticle