Atukunda, GershomAtwiine, JohnsonMusiita, BenjaminAtwine, AquilionusKoruragire, Emmanuel2024-09-182024-09-182024-062220-6140 study aimed to explore the correlation between budgetary control, managerial competencies, and the performance of higher local governments in Uganda's Eastern region. Through a cross-sectional research design, 30 higher local governments out of a population of 32 were analyzed against predictor variables. Validity and reliability tests were conducted on research instruments to ensure data quality. Findings revealed a positive and significant relationship between budgetary control and performance, as well as between managerial competencies and performance. Moreover, there was a statistically significant relationship between both budgetary control and managerial competencies on performance. Regression analysis showed that 55.9% of performance variation was explained by these factors, leaving 44.1% to other factors not considered. Recommendations include strengthening financial management processes and investing in training programs to enhance managerial skills, ultimately improving local government performanceen-USBudgetary controlManagerial competenciesPerformance of higher local governmentseastern UgandaBudgetary Control, Managerial Competencies and Performance of Higher Local Governments in Eastern UgandaArticle