Gcrshom, Atukunda2023-01-122023-01-122011-12https://ir.bsu.ac.ug//handle/20.500.12284/408Elcction.s, as one of the pillMs of dcn1octacy, O\"Ct the )'t:an h•vc dcm m~ cd practically the possibility 10 usher in good. ponsib c and ccoutu~ble le<.u.lcrship in some counuits ir. Africa. 1l1cy have also demonsmrcd equality between men and women rhrough pobcical parricipation on 1hc basis or one adult citizen! one \"Otc. This article cx<1mincs womt n political participatlon in Ugamh: the challenges rhey face and opportunities •\'\\liable 10 them in Ug<1nda's electoral processes. This 1s imponan1 in finding ou1 :ippropri•rc pollcit$, lcgisl>iions and action to coh•ncc the level or women's participation in politics, within and bc}'Ond their politico! parties for equality 2nd d°'·d opmcnten-USWomenElectionsGender EqualityOpportunitiesDevelopmentWomen and Elections in UgandaChallenges and Opportunities for Gender Equality and DevelopmentArticle