Amanyire, MarkTugume, RodrickNatwijuka, Andrew2024-06-242024-06-242024-03 Improving adolescent sexual and reproductive health continues to be a global public health need. Effective parent– adolescent communication on sexual health issues has been cited as a factor that could influence adolescents toward adopting safer sexual behavior. The study aims to invest the adolescent-parent communication on sexual and reproductive health issues in Mbaare sub-county. Methods: It was systematically searched and synthesized qualitative literature. We assessed the methodological quality of the included studies using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programmed (CASP) checklist. We thematically analyzed qualitative data from the included young adolescents who were selected randomly from three parishes of Mbaare Sub County. Results: Fifteen studies were included. Social and physiological events act as triggers for initiating discussions. Fear of personal, social, and economic consequences of high-risk sexual behaviors act as drivers for communication but also carry a negative framing that hinders open discussion. Lack of parental self-efficacy and cultural and religious norms create an uncomfortable environment leaving peers, media, teachers, and siblings as important and sometimes preferred sources of sexual health information. Conclusions: While mothers recognize their role in adolescent sexual and reproductive health and school-based interventions can act as useful prompts for initiating discussion, fathers are mainly absent from the home-based dialogue. Fear dominates the narrative, and the needs of adolescents remain unarticulated. Improving adolescent sexual and reproductive health remains an important public health need globally. Effective communication on sexual health issues between adolescents and their parents has been recognized to influence safer sexual behavior among adolescents. This review combined qualitative evidence to understand the nature of and barriers to communication about sex between parents and adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa. Recommendation: Researchers should use this information for decision-makers in choosing strategies for improving parent-child communication regarding Sexual and Reproductive Health mattersen-USAdolescent-ParentCommunicationSexual and Reproductive Health IssueMbaare Sub CountyIsingiro DistrictDOLESCENT-PARENT COMMUNICATION ON SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ISSUES IN MBAARE SUB COUNTY IN ISINGIRO DISTRICT.A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY.Article