Tukakira, ArthurAheisibwe, IreneAsiimire, Donath2024-06-242024-06-242024-06-11https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.7.2.19802707-3939https://ir.bsu.ac.ug//handle/20.500.12284/650The study focused on examining the relationship between project-based learning and academic achievement in physics among ordinary level students in government aided secondary schools in Ibanda Municipality. A cross-sectional design was employed using both quantitative approaches. Simple random sampling technique was applied to select the 412 respondents as response rate. Data collection was collected using questionnaire survey. Data was analysed with Pearson correlation coefficient and multi-linear regression analysis. The study concluded that there is a positive significant weak relationship between Project Based Learning and Academic learners’ achievement. The study recommends that Project Based Learning should highly be emphasized in the new current curriculum so that learners can perform very well especially in science subjects such as physics as well. The study also recommends that enough resources in form of scholastic materials should be provided so as to promote project-based learning and learner’s academic achievement in physics at Ordinary level in government aided secondary schools especially in Ibanda Municipality.en-USAchievementProject Basedsecondary schoolsProject Based Learning and Learner’s Academic Achievement in Physics at Ordinary Level in Government Aided Secondary Schools in Ibanda Municipality2024Article