ROBERT, AGUME2023-01-102023-01-102022-07 ATTACHMENT AND INTENTION TO DROP OUT OF SCHOOL IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN KAZO DISTRICTThe study investigated the relationship between cultural attachment and intention to dropout of school among children in primary schools in Kazo district. It was guided by three research objectives, which included; 1) To establish the level of cultural attachment among children in Primary schools in Kazo District; 2) To establish the level of intention to dropout of child is in Primary schools in Kazo District; and 3)To establish the relationship between cultural attachment and intention to dropout of school among children in Primary schools in Kazo District. Two questions; 1) What is the level of cultural attachment among children in Primary schools in Kazo District? 2) What is the level of intention to dropout of children in Primary schools in Kazo District and a hypothesis; The researcher employed different techniques to select participants. Children were selected by using simple random sampling. Under this, the researcher first used stratified sampling by dividing teachers and children according to gender. After this, fish bowl method was used to get equal number of respondents from different gender strata (Botev & Ridder, 2017).Selection of head teachers and the DEO were selected using purposive sampling technique because they have key information concerning cultural attachment and the intention to dropout of school in respective schools. There is no relationship between cultural attachment and intention to dropout of school among children in Primary schools in Kazo District guided the study. The researcher used a cross - sectional survey design in the primary schools in Kazo district. The study population was conducted among 209 participants, including 201 children, a District Education Officer and 7 head teachers. The study findings showed that low cultural attachment and intention to dropout of school among children in primary schools in Kazo district and children no statistically significant relationship between them (p = .242). It was concluded that cultural attachment and drop out intention were actually low with limited relationship between them. Strategies to keep cultural attachment and intentions to dropout low such as free education are paramounten-USCULTURAL ATTACHMENTINTENTION TO DROP OUTSCHOOLPRIMARY SCHOOLSKAZO DISTRICTCULTURAL ATTACHMENT AND INTENTION TO DROP OUT OF SCHOOL IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN KAZO DISTRICTThesis