Asiimwe EmmanuelMurangira MartinBegumisa Bernard2025-02-102025-02-102024-10www.ijsred.com study investigates the relationship between customer service and organizational performance at Stanbic Bank's Mbarara City Branch. Employing a case study design, the research utilized questionnaires and interviews to collect data. Descriptive statistics, including frequencies, means, and regression analysis, were used to analyze the variables. The findings reveal a positive correlation between the reliability of bank services and organizational performance, indicating that a one-unit increase in service reliability is associated with a 5.32- unit increase in organizational performance. The low p-value (<0.001) confirms the statistical significance of this relationship. The study concludes that reliable bank services are crucial for organizational performance. Recommendations include strengthening regulatory frameworks to encourage financial institutions to prioritize service reliability and investing in staff training programs to enhance service qualityen-USAttribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States’s servicesorganizational performanceThe Influence of Reliability of the Bank’s Services on Organizational Performance at Stanbic Bank, Mbarara City BranchArticle