Norman, Mugarura2023-05-182023-05-182022“WHAT MORE CAN BANKS DO TO STOP THE GROWING THREAT OF BANK FRAUDS”Banks deal in money and many other lucrative financial products, making them targets for criminal exploitation and attacks. You would have heard the adage that “crime follows opportunity” and since banks deal in lucrative financial products, there is a possibility to be targeted by criminals either from within or without as we have recently witnessed. With the spate of recent Bank frauds in Uganda, oversight agencies cannot sit back, they have a lot of leg work to reverse to ensure safety of bank assets and shareholders equity. One thing for certain is that criminals invest resources before they can raid banks and the banking system. Uganda Bankers Association (UBA) website provides information on how to stave off the growing threat of financial crimes. Other oversight agencies have also shared information via their websites on how to safeguard against financial crimes. However, it needs to be noted that there is no single safeguard measure that is a silver bullet. Banks and other financial institutions need to enhance their capabilities in real-time fraud-detection and to provide instant solutions once an attack has happened.en-US“WHAT MORE CAN BANKSDO TO STOP THE GROWINGTHREAT OF BANK FRAUDS“WHAT MORE CAN BANKS DO TO STOP THE GROWING THREAT OF BANK FRAUDS”Article