Maud, Kamatenesi MugishaGodwin, Anywar2022-05-242022-05-242014-02-13www.sciencedomain.org, there is a global outcry over food insecurity [1]. This is worsened by the soaring food prices [2,3]. Uganda is not an exception, with a high average annual population growth rate of 3.2% and low annual growth rate of food production of about 1.5 % [4,5]. The proportion of undernourished people is highest in sub-Saharan Africa at 30 % [6,7], especially among children, women and the elderly [8]. Although Uganda has fertile soils and good climate, food insecurity exists throughout the country, but varies both geographically and amongst livelihood groups [9]. Families in Nebbi have only one harvest or agricultural season per year causing a serious burden on the nutritional status, livelihood and health of the local people.enNutriceuticalfoodmedicinewildWild Plants Used as Nutraceuticals from Nebbi District, UgandaArticle