Kabaseke, Charlotte2023-10-172023-10-172023https://doi.org/10.59472/jodet.v1i3.43https://ir.bsu.ac.ug//handle/20.500.12284/583Biological Diversity, among its very diverse advantages has been pointed out as key for achieving environmental sustainability. It has however been noted that biological diversity across the globe is being depleted. The international community responded by developing several international treaties for biological diversity conservation, including the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Ramsar Convention. China is very rich in biological diversity and is party to the Conventions. In addition, China has in place several laws as well as protected areas to ensure the conservation of biological diversity. This notwithstanding, China still faces biological diversity depletion. This has been attributed to among other factors, over population and industrialization. This article therefore seeks to critically analyze the efficacy of the CBD and Ramsar Conventions is ensuring Biological Diversity Conservation. The paper further analyses the extent to which China has achieved its obligations under the conventions. The paper concludes that the treaties, whereas a very good development, have some weakness. In addition, whereas China has done well in meeting its obligations under the treaties, it still faces some challenges. The article among others recommends that China should embrace public participation in ensuring biological diversity conservation. In achieving its objectives, the article adopts the doctrinal method of research.en-USBiological diversityConservationCBDRamsar ConventionProtected areasChinaImplementation of Biological Diversity Conservation Treaties in ChinaFocus on the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Ramsar ConventionArticle