Dennis, KakubaNoel, Kiiza KansiimeNamanya, Betrum2023-05-182023-05-182023www.arjhss.com2378-702X Social Responsibility and Corporate Image of Commercial Banks in Southwestern Uganda – A case study of ABSAThe study investigated the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Corporate Image of commercial Banks in southwestern Uganda. The researchers employed a descriptive research design and used a case study research strategy. A sample of 150 respondents was used for this study and, purposive and stratified sampling methods were used for this study. Both Structured and Semi- Structured questions were used in the questionnaire to collect primary data. To ensure validity and reliability the researcher did a pre- test of the research instrument. Data collected was analyzed using qualitative methods, that is through detailed verbatim explanations and quantitative methods involving using Excel and SPSSS program. The findings from this study showed that majority of the respondents pointed community related activities as the major CSR Activities that Absa Bank engages to enhance Image. The study further established that there is a strong relationship between CSR Programs and Corporate Image of Commercial Banks. We recommend that Commercial Banks should remain the key drivers of CSR in the Region. By embedding CSR principles at all levels of a company Management and operations, and reaping the benefits, socially responsible Businesses can become Models for others. Commercial Banks can also benefit by supporting think tanks, professional organisations and business associations who promote CSR Practices.en-USCorporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate ImageCommercial BankCorporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Image of Commercial Banks in Southwestern Uganda – A case study of ABSAArticle