AHIMBISIBWE, JEROME RONALDS2023-09-082023-09-082022-12https://ir.bsu.ac.ug//handle/20.500.12284/516The study was on socio-economic factors influencing uptake of coffee production recommended practices in Kichwamba and Kirugu Sub-counties Rubirizi district and was conducted in February 2021. Objectives were; to identify the coffee production systems and practices used, identify the socio-economic challenges associated with uptake of recommended practices for coffee production and to identify the policy interventions to address the challenges associated with use of recommended coffee practices. Farmers continue to register low coffee yields hence affecting their livelihoods and incomes and to achieve maximum coffee production requires that farmers apply recommended practices since quantity and quality of the crop relies on practices used. A cross-sectional survey was conducted using simple random sampling and a total of 376 coffee farmers were sampled. Results indicated that Arabica coffee commonly grown variety (54.0%), two major systems ie intercropping and mono-cropping. The coffee recommended practices used were; weeds control (23.7%), shading (21.5%), pruning (15.5%), fertilizer application (14.1%), pest and disease management (12.2%) water drainage management (6.6%), transplanting (4.0%), and seedbed preparation (2.7%). Statistically significant socio-economic factors affecting uptake of recommended practices for coffee were; Age [p=0.014], education level [p=0.002], labour [p=0.005], Farm size [p=0.001] , farming experience [p=0.031], Gender [p=0.031], land slope [p=0.048], Un-accessibility to credit services [p=0.032], Plot ownership [p=0.049]. Policy interventions were; farmer capacity building(35.1%), strengthening agricultural extension (23.7%), credit extension to the farmers (15.7%), re-visiting land reform policies (13.6%) group formation (11.9%). The study concluded that Coffee in the study area was grown under two production systems; intercropping and mono cropping, The major coffee recommended practices used were; seedbed management, transplanting, pruning, shading, fertilizer application, weeds control, pest and disease management and water drainage management. Socio-economic factors like Education level, shortage of labour, farm size, experience in farming, gender, slope of land, un-accessibility of credit services, farmer age and plot ownership type were significant socio-economic factors affecting uptake of recommended practices. Suggested policy interventions were; re-visiting land reform policies, credit extension, capacity building, strengthening agricultural extension and farmer group formation. More education and training for farmers, revisiting land policies, groups, associations and cooperative formation, credit services extension are recommended.en-USSocial- EconomicFactorsInfluencingUptakeCoffeeProductionSOCIO-ECONOMIC FACTORS INFLUENCING UPTAKE OF COFFEE PRODUCTION RECOMMENDED PRACTICES IN KICHWAMBA AND KIRUGU SUB-COUNTIES RUBIRIZI DISTRICTThesis